Many professionals believe they must operate out of their comfort zone in order to become a rainmaker, that generates new business. The truth is, the more loyal you are to your personality (wiring) the more effective your rainmaking efforts will be.
As I have connected with successful rainmakers over the years, I would ask them to let me in on their secrets. It was very clear that they struggled to articulate or even know how to define the reasons for their success. Another interesting discovery was that most of these individuals did not consider themselves extroverts. Nor did they see themselves having special experience, skills, or intellect.
As I continued to be impressed with their success, I was also fascinated that they did not consider their efforts to be work. It was so automatic and natural that one person shared that he could not believe he was paid to do this.
As individuals we become slaves to our own habits. Therefore, it makes sense that rainmakers establish habits that work within their wiring and their marketplace! There is an old saying that goes like this: “Practice makes perfect.” Actually, I believe that “practice makes habit.” Practicing the right rainmaking habits that suit our wiring, positively impacts results.

A pillar of rainmaking is the concept of bringing people together for their benefit. Your preparation only requires a professional introduction of two parties and asking questions that will cultivate their relationship. This is the most “natural” form of expanding your network.
Going into any situation thinking, “who can I help?”, rather than “who can help me?” puts you into a giving rather than a taking mindset. Most professionals see their comfort level skyrocket with this approach.
Now through the explosion of social media, rainmaking for professional services is in the fast lane. So how should we conduct ourselves and leverage a process that fits our wiring to maximize the global reach available to us?
Please see Rainmaking for Professional Services, Chapters 2, 3, and 4 in our archives.